Automation studio 4.1
Automation studio 4.1

automation studio 4.1

#Automation studio 4.1 install

Note: all other Client-side requirements are optional for this install but recommended to manage the ROKS cluster. Install the oc CLI from the Client-side requirements here: V21.0.x.If deploying on your own OpenShift environment based on the demo pattern and running on IBM Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud (ROKS):.Make sure you have a login to all required components above.If deploying on your own OpenShift environment:.Group: TE_OnboardingAutomation_Redaction.

automation studio 4.1

Add any additionals users that need access to content in this group.Additionally, this account is also used to upload sample content using the GraphQL script. Note: This service account is used by BAW to launch a process from a document.Role: Content Platform Engine Role - Class Designer.Description: Used by process app Employee Onboarding - Onboard Employee.Functional ID alias: OnboardingAutomation.Additionally, create the following from Access Management.You will use a single login to access CPE, BAS and BAW.If using Cloud Pak for Business Automation as a Service (CP4BAaaS):.Note: only necessary for the last lab step to launch a process from a document Business Automation Workflow (BAW) on VMs or OpenShift.Business Automation Navigator on OpenShift.Business Automation Content Services on VMs or OpenShift.Business Automation Applications (including Studio and App Engine) on OpenShift.IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation version 21.0.2.We assume the following products are installed, up and running: Install Yourself: To deploy Onboarding Automation on your own environment, continue reading.Cloud Pak for Business Automation as a Service demo environment (likely an IBMer): your environment is pre-deployed, continue to the Getting Started Lab.Focus Corp must collaborate both internally and externally during the employee onboarding process as well as enforce structured and adhoc workflows. You will assume the role of Lucy, an HR employee onboarding specialist at Focus Corp. Lucy’s objective is to improve Focus Corp’s process and ensure various onboarding requirements are met in a secure, structured, consistent and timely manner to onboard the new employees. Use Case Overview: Focus Corp accelerates the use of unstructured content in an employee onboarding use case using teamspaces and secure external file sharing. An IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation use case

Automation studio 4.1